Draft:Elixir/OS processes

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BEAM internal and external processes edit

BEAM applications are built out of supervision trees and excel at managing huge numbers of parallel actor processes, all scheduled internally. Although the communities' mostly share a philosophy of running as much as possible inside of the VM because it builds on this strength, and simplifies away much interface glue and context switching, on many occasions it will still start an external OS process. There are some straightforward ways to simply run a command line, which might be familiar to programmers coming from another language: os:cmd takes a string and runs the thing. At a lower level, external programs are managed through a Port which is a flexible abstraction allowing a backend driver to communicate data in and out, and to send some control signals such as reporting an external process's exit and exit status.

When it comes to internal processes, BEAM is among the most mature and robust, achieved by good isolation and by its hierarchical supervisors liberally pruning entire subprocess trees at the first sign of going out of specification. But for external processes, results are mixed. Some programs are twitchy and crash easily, for example cat, but others like the BEAM itself or a long-running server are built to survive any ordinary I/O glitch or accidental mashing of the keyboard. Furthermore, this will usually be a fundamental assumption of that program and there will be no configuration to make the program behave differently depending on stimulus.

Reliable clean up edit

What I discovered is that the BEAM external process library assumes that its spawned processes will respond to standard input and output shutting down or so called end of file, for example what happens when <control>-d is typed into the shell. This works very well for a subprocess like bash but has no effect on a program like sleep or rsync.

The hole created by this mismatch is interestingly solved by something shaped like the BEAM's supervisor itself. I would expect the VM to spawn many processes as necessary, but I wouldn't expect the child process to outlive the VM, just because it happens to be insensitive to end of file. Instead, I was hoping that the VM would try harder to kill these processes as the Port is closed, or if the VM halts.

In fact, letting a child process outlive the one that spawned it is unusual enough that the condition is called an "orphan process". The POSIX standard recommends that when this happens the process should be adopted by the top-level system process "init" if it exists, but this is a "should have" and not a must. The reason it can be undesirable to allow this to happen at all is that the orphan process becomes entirely responsible for itself, potentially running forever without any more intervention according to the purpose of the process. Even the system init process tracks its children, and can restart them in response to service commands. Init will know nothing about its adopted, orphan processes.

When I ran into this issue, I found the suggested workaround of writing a wrapper script to track its child (the program originally intended to run), listen for the end of file from BEAM, and kill the external program. How much simpler it would be if this workaround were already built into the Erlang Port module!

It's always a pleasure to ask questions in the BEAM communities, they have earned a reputation as being friendly and open. The first big tip was to look at the third-party library erlexec, which demonstrates some best practices that might be backported into the language itself. Everyone speaking on the problem has generally agreed that the fragile clean up of external processes is a bug, and supported the idea that one of the "terminate" signals should be sent to spawned programs.

Which signal to use is still an open issue, there's a softer version HUP which says "Goodbye!" and the program is free to interpret as it will, the mid-level TERM that I prefer because it makes the intention explicit but can still be blocked or handled gracefully if needed, and KILL which is bursting with destructive potential. The world of unix signals is a wild and scary place, on which there's a refreshing diversity of opinion around the Internet.

Inside the BEAM edit

Despite its retro-futuristic appearance of being one of the most time-tested yet forward-facing programming environments, I was brought back to Earth by digging around inside the VM to find that it's just a C program like any other. There's nothing holy about the BEAM emulator, there are some good and some great ideas about functional languages and they're buried in a mass of ancient procedural ifdefs, with unnerving memory management and typedefs wrapping the size of an integer on various platforms, just like you might find in other relics from the dark ages of computing, next to the Firefox or linux kernel source code.

Tantalizingly, message-passing is at the core of the VM, but is not a first-class concept when reaching out to external processes. There's some fancy footwork with pipes and dup, but communication is done with enums, unions, and bit-rattling stdlib. I love it, but... it might something to look at on another rainy day.